Late Summer Coffee
by Randi Grace Nilsberg
Late Summer Coffee
Randi Grace Nilsberg
Photograph - Photography
Summer, autumn, winter or spring, there is always a reason to enjoy a good cup of coffee. This is the green cup in the old Norwegian flint coffee set that normally adorns the cabinet. They really deserve to be presented to the world.
Featured in the following groups:
- This Way Arts
- The Road to Self Promotion
- Pleasing the Eye
August 5th, 2016
Comments (9)
CJ Anderson
Congratulations, Randi! Your excellent photograph was chosen to be exhibited on the homepage of THE GALLERY WALL where this week's theme pays tribute to appetizers, fruit, breakfast, lunch, dinner, wine, desserts, coffee, tea, and a few cafe's along the way!
Randi Grace Nilsberg replied:
Thank you so much, CJ for including me among all those great artists on the home page! I appreciate the support very much!